Hair Transplantation with FUE Technique in Turkey – Antalya

Hair transplantation with the FUE technique is a method found by Doctor Robert Bernstein. In 1995, the name “Cellular October” was given. It has been published in scientific literature under this name.

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Advantages of Hair Transplantation with FUE Technique in Antalya Turkey

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Advantages of Hair Transplantation with FUE Technique

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Get natural and permanent hair with the FUE technique!

Until 1984, hair transplantation procedures were performed with large graft transplantation. Large and wide pieces taken from the nape of the person were surgically transferred to the area where hair loss was experienced. In 1984, Dr. The method known as FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) was developed by Robert M Bernstein. Grafts were started to be taken from the nape of the person by cutting them into horizontal strips. That’s why the FUT method is also called the Strip method. The FUT method, which was very popular until 2000, has left its place to the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method, which offers a more natural appearance, is painless, does not leave scars.

One of the main advantages of the FUE technique is the high number of grafts obtained. With the FUE technique, up to 4000 grafts can be transplanted in a single session. Processing time varies depending on the hair density needed. Operations generally take between 4-8 hours. Since local anesthesia is applied to the patient’s head area before the operation, the patient does not feel pain during the hair transplantation process. When only local anesthesia is applied, depending on the pain threshold of the person, there may be a momentary pain. Since the grafts are taken from the donor area using micro motors in the FUE technique, there is no scar after the operation.

Get natural and permanent hair with FUE technique

What is Fue Hair Transplant Technique? How is it applied?

To explain the implementation of the FUE Technique, in short, the hair follicles, called follicular unit in medical terminology, are removed one by one with very fine microsurgical instruments measuring 0.75 – 1.00 mm in diameter without using a scalpel (surgical cutter), and the hairless area is removed by a professional team without cutting again. We can say that it is the process of transplanting the only extracted hair.

In the FUE Technique, hair follicles can be taken from the scalp on the head as well as from any other part of the body. This procedure, which is performed under local anesthesia, does not cause any pain or ache.

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What is Fue Hair Transplant Technique and How is it Applied

In the FUE hair transplantation technique, the length of the hair in the area where the hair will be taken is shaved to 1 mm. Your hair follicles are removed one by one by our professional team with microsurgical instruments from the area anesthetized with local anesthesia.

Finally, the procedure is terminated by placing the extracted follicular units into these channels. After this procedure, it takes 7-10 days for your tissue to heal. With this method, it is possible to remove and transplant around 4000 follicles in one operation. The process can take up to 4-8 hours. It is a completely painless and healthy operation.

Before and After Hair Transplantation Photos

Hair Transplant Hair Transplant
Hair Transplant Hair Transplant
Hair Transplant Hair Transplant
Hair Transplant Hair Transplant

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